Name *
Phone *
E-Mail *
Company Name
Company Address
Date Founded
Name(s) of Founder(s) *
Any impressive things that this founder has built in the past that we should be aware of? Please include URLs
How would you summarize your business in 140 characters or less?:
How would you describe the current stage of the Company?:
What does the Company do or make? How does it differentiate itself, and what’s truly interesting about it?:
What is the Company’s monetization strategy?:
Who are your current competitors? Please include URLs. Are there key differences between your Company and the competition?:
Why did you choose to work on this idea? How does it motivate you?:
Aside from the above listed Founder(s), are there additional Company employees? If so, please provide LinkedIn and Github URLs:
How much money has the Company raised to date? Also how much is left?:
How would you spend $50k over the next 3 months?:
Do you know personally any past founders of CalX Stars or other accelerators/ incubators? (if any):
Please describe current progress or traction of the Company. Include a description of user metrics, revenue or any other evidence of progress:
What’s the biggest thing you have learned from working on your Company thus far?:
What’s your biggest worry thus far in working on this idea?:
Why are you applying to CalX Stars and how do you see us helping your Company progress?:
Business or Company Team Video
8 + 0 = ?Please prove that you are human by solving the equation *